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Developing the Sölcraft
Soul resonance and ascension through active intellectual and intuitive healing. This experience bestows harmonious synergy for your souls fulfillment using natural, non invasive remedies and universal elements.
Soul level Intuitive Healing
As a alternative health care,(typically defined as outside of modern mainstream medicine who focus and treat symptoms), It is our intent to focus and treat the entire energetic body which is comprised of the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic system creating balance on all levels.
Healing / Release / Recovery / Soul Alignment
Past Life
Healing / Review / Blockage / Cleansing / Cycles / Debt
Negative Energy
Attachments / Protections / Emotional Patters / Thoughts / All
Healing / Growth / Cleansing / Conditioning / Bondage / Dysfunction / Exhaustion / Recovery / Wounds / Balance / All
Physical Dis -“ease”
All Effects
Self / Expression / Recognition / Attunement / Development / Block / Connection to Above
What our customers say
Contact Us
Email: discover@brighidsltd.com
Phone: +1 208-615-1800
Please email me for any questions or to adjust appointments.